Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Gore loses major points

I've always been a fan of Al Gore, but today my admiration took a heavy blow. Apparently he's been adding some new material to his An Inconvenient Truth slide show. PZ Myers says:

The slide I found particularly interesting/shocking/sad, was his new(?) slide containing a graph of human population growth over the past couple hundred-thousand years. It started off good. He pointed at the beginning of the graph, showing the population of humans on Earth from 200,000 years ago, and referred to the "rise of humans."

Cool beans. So he believes that Homo sapiens evolved from other hominid ancestors, right? Nope. In the very same breath, he then continued to explain that according to his religious beliefs, this "rise of humans" was God's creation of mankind — apparently 200,000 years ago. His graph then changed to include the caption "Adam & Eve" above this starting point.

Maybe he's done this because he's decided to run? Even so, it's no excuse. Barf.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Gore, too! But...

That's a major boo-boo! At least, by the yardstick of this atheist, anti-theocracy citizen.

You could be right about running. Or he could be pandering to the RaptureRightists to bring them onboard the AIT-Express...

Either way, that worries me because those of us not-in-the-life and those of us who heed his warning because of science will think he's shot himself in the foot.

5:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to one response to the original blog, it was a joke:

"A quick google reveals that in the 10/25/05 Michigan Daily, Gore discussed the same thing. However, here is how they describe it: When he brought up a graph showing human population growth over the past 100,000 years or so, Gore at first made light of recent debates over the origins of human life: "You don't have any new laws here I should know about?" he quipped before labeling the point at the beginning of the graph "Adam and Eve," provoking laughter. But then Gore adopted a more prudent tone, adding, "In all seriousness, I really do not see any conflict between my religious faith and sound science."

Seems to me this is a more accurate telling of the lecture. I have attended his Global Warming speech and that is how I remember it also. And, as the date reveals, this is not a new addition. It seems to be a standard part of his lecture. The last phrase describing religious faith and sound science also accurately describes what many scientists feel. It may not be the way many here feel but it was surely not said in the manner described by the original post.

Posted by: Scooter | April 24, 2007 06:48 AM"

Auntie W.

7:49 PM  

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